From Farmerville

The Gazette
May 1, 1901

The very latest ladies and misses trimmed hats at R. Haas, Agt.

Eld J. H. Hughes returned from Arcadia Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Jane Lee and Miss Kathleen Turnage are visiting relatives in Monroe.

You can get a good bedstead at R. Haas for only $1.75.

Marshal Dawson, with his two convicts, is putting in some good work on our streets.

For a good barrel of flour, go to Henderson Bros., Bernice.

R. Haas, Agent, will sell you chairs for 50 cents up.

Measles are quite a common thing in Farmerville now. About a dozen families are enjoying (?) the luxury (?).

If you want a good sewing machine–drop head, call at this office.

Conference at the Farmerville Baptist church next Saturday at 11 o’clock a.m.

R. Haas, agent for M. Haas estate, has ordered another car load of furniture, which will soon arrive.

Pupils of the Farmerville High School are busily engaged in preparing for commencement exercises.

Henderson Bros, at Bernice, have the largest line of nobby and up-to-date clothing found in this section.

Have you heard the latest? When does lettuce blush? Why when it sees salad dressing. Ah, there!

Five new phones have been put up on the Farmerville and Monroe telephone line, and now one can converse distinctly between those points.

For a pair of shoes that fit and wear, see Henderson Bros., Bernice.

Next Saturday is tax sale day. If you have not already paid your arrearages to the government, do so before the sale.

Mr. W. L. Gill has been quite sick at his home near D’Arbonne with pneumonia. We are glad to state that at last accounts he was on the road to recovery.

After spending a few days with relatives in Farmerville, Mrs. O. C. Dawkins and children returned to their home in Monroe Sunday.

Mr. J. W. Smith, editor of the Homer Clipper, and Miss Carrie Richardson, daughter of Judge J. A. Richardson, were married last Sunday.

Messrs. R. Haas, Edward Everett, J. K. Atkinson, J. R. Shultz, Edmund Haas, and H. Ludwig attended a lodge meeting at Bernice Saturday evening.

Mr. J. S. Gulley, of Doss, La., was in Farmerville Saturday. he says planters of his section are cultivating in cotton about the same acreage this year at last.

W. J. Turnage has a large line of the renowned Hamilton & Brown shoes. If you want substantial comfortable footwear, get a pair of these shoes.  2w

The cool weather that prevailed this spring was broken last Thursday by a warm spell, which is now upon us. A good rain now would make crops and vegetation hum.

Mrs. B. F. Pleasant returned home Monday afternoon from Ruston, whither she was called last week on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Duty.

Cash buyers should go to J. W. Stancil’s. By selling only for spot cash, and thus turning over his money often, he is enabled to give you goods at very small margins.

They eclipse anything ever brought to this market. Hats for ladies, misses and children at R. Haas, Agt. Call and examine our stock.

Mr. T. C. Brown, a brother of ex-Deputy Sheriff Brown, of Claiborne Parish, was run over and killed by a train on the Arkansas Southern railroad at Junction City last Wednesday. The deceased was deaf, and failed to hear the train while being switched about the yards.

The Elk’s Carnival at Shreveport last week was largely attended.

The Tribune says El Dorado has good prospects of getting two new railroads soon. It thinks the Gurdon branch of the Iron Mountain will be extended to Bastrop via El Dorado, and that the Summit Lumber Co. will build from El Dorado to Monroe.

Orth Harper Stein, a gifted writer on the Times-Democrat’s edtorial staff, died last Friday.

A block in the business portion of Ruston was destroyed by fire on the night of the 23rd. inst. Fire originated in the store occupied by I. Franklin, and in an hour after its discovery the entire block was consumed. The jewelry establishment of Messrs. A. J. Mashaw & Son and the photograph gallery of Mr. J. G. Davis were destroyed. The former was partially covered by insurance, but Mr. Davis had no insurance at all, we are sorry to say. This is the second time he has been burned out in Ruston recently without any protection.

J. S. Roane will have the fine Stallion, Red Boy 771, in town on May 8th and 26th, and June 13. Red Boy has no equal in the state as to individuality, and is “bred in the purple.” Patronize hime if you want to raise a fine colt.

The gentleman who proposed to construct a railroad between Farmerville and Monroe, upon terms that our people can and will meet, writes that he will be in Farmerville about May 5, and adds that his backers are rightly encouraged at the flattering outlook for the new line.

Mrs. John Maxey and little Ester Terral, after three weeks visit with relatives in Mississippi, returned to their home Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied by Mrs. Maxey’s father, Mr. W. H. Evans.

New Store! New Good!! I take this method of informing my friends that I have just opened a nice new stock of dry goods, notions, hats, clothing, etc., in Farmerville. Will sell as cheap as the cheapest for cash. Give me a call.  J. W. Stancil

Saddlery and Harness. Yes sir, I have saddles for the girls, saddles for the old men, saddles for the courting men, saddles for the youth and saddles for the cowboy. Will sell them cheaper than anybody. Also have a full line of wagon and buggy harness, collars, pads, and plow gear. J. D. BAUGHMAN.

Attention Teachers. National Educational Association, Detroit, Mich., July 8th, to 12th. The St. Louis, Iron Mt. & Southern Railway will sell July 5, 6, and 7, tickets at one fare plus two dollars membership fee. For particulars, write or call on H. D. Apgar, Agt., Monroe, La.

I have a large assortment of goods, which I am determined to sell. My motto is “quick sales and small profits.” If it is bargains you are after, call at my store. My stock is complete in every line.  W. J. Turnage.

Measles are seriously interfering with the school at this place.

Mrs. Z. T. Goyne visited relatives in Bernice last week.

Dr. W. W. Barnes has been very ill with fever for the past week. His friends hope for a change for the better in a day or so.

We regret to learn that Mr. Jas. Bowen, son of Mr. J. E. H. Bowen, died last Thursday.

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