
The Gazette
January 4, 1939

Rev. S. R. Nolan filled his regular appointment here Saturday night and Sunday, delivering fine sermons.

Rev. G. W. Thomas will preach at Antioch next Saturday night, January 8. Everybody is invited to come and hear a good sermon.

Don’t forget the singing at Antioch Sunday afternoon. Everyone is invited to come. The old people will sing some old hymns that were sung fifty years ago.

Dr. Joe Funderburk, Mr. N. R. Funderburk, Clyde Funderburk and Jewel Mosley of Winnsboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Malone Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Posey of Start visited relatives here last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Armstrong of Farmerville were guests of Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Nolan Sunday.

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