From Farmerville

Farmerville Main Street

The Gazette
June 5, 1901

Miss Lottie Sellers, of Walnut Lane, has returned home from Natchitoches, where she attended the State Normal the past session.

Violent hailstorms swept over portions of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama last Friday doing considerable damage to crops and gardens.

The condition of the cotton crop on June 1st this year is reported to poorer than for years back, and for this reason higher prices are expected withing the next few weeks. An increase of eight to ten per cent in acreage is reported.

The water in both the Ouachita river and Bayou D’Arbonne is falling very rapidly and unless more rain comes in the near future, the boating season will soon end.

Miss Irene Sharp has closed her School of Ouachita and gone to her home at Mer Rouge.

Among the graduates of the Louisiana State University this year appears the name of Mr. William Rubbuds Goyne, of Union Parish, who takes the degree B. S.

For a pair of shoes that fit and wear, see Henderson Bros., Bernice.

If you want a good sewing machine — drop head, call at this office.

The New Orleans States says a new post office has been established at Herschel, in Union Parish. We do not know where this is.

R, Haas, agent for M. Haas estate, has received another car load of furniture.

The police jury were in session the first of this week, all the members being present. The investigation of accounts against the parish was about the only business before the meeting at this session.

Ex-Representative C. L. Gunby returned home last week from New Orleans, where he spent several weeks on business and pleasure combined.

We are requested to announce that Rev. J. H. Hughes will preach at Conway Saturday, June 16th at 11 o’clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

Henderson Bros., at Bernice, have the largest  line of nobby and up-to-date clothing found in this section.

Miss Bertha Cook returned home Friday afternoon from Natchitoches, where she attended the State Normal School the past session. Miss Bertha will complete the course in another year.

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY  Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25¢

Dr. R. B. Vinson has moved to Farmerville and offers his professional services to the people of this vicinity. His office is in the Davis building, southeast corner of public square. At night he can be found at the Hartman house for the present. Dr. Vinson expects soon to move his family to our town.

R. Haas, Agent, will sell you chairs for 50 cents up.

Miss Nonnie Roark passed through Monroe Saturday, on her way home from New Orleans, where she attended school.

For a good barrel of flour, go to Henderson Bros., Bernice.

I will be in Spearsville, June 10th to stay four days prepared to do all kind of dental work. C. H. Laurence, D.D.S.

The very latest ladies and misses trimmed hats at R. Haas, Agt.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gill moved last week into the residence on Academy street that was recently vacated by Mr. J. D. Fenton’s family.

You can get a good bedstead at R. Haas for only $1.75.

Miss Linnie Murphy returned to her home at Natchitoches last Wednesday.

Parish Treasurer B. F. Pleasant visited Ruston last week.

Peas! Peas!! Peas!!! Unknown per bushel, $1.75, Black eyed per bushel, $175, Speckled Butter beans $1.50. Call at ease and get from 1 to 100 bushels.  M. J. Pearson.

They eclipse anything ever brought in this market. Hats for ladies, misses and children at R. Haas, Agt. Call and examine our stock.

After a few days visit in Farmerville, Mr. Gabe Brown left Tuesday for his home in Vicksburg.

Some of our people think oil abounds in Union Parish. Possibly so; but the stuff is getting too common to fool with. Let’s not wast time over it.

Several persons are speaking of putting up new houses in Farmerville as soon as the railroad is an assured fact. A year after the first train reaches here, the old town will not know itself.

The anti-whiskey league of Bernice are making a strong and determined fight in behalf of prohibition in that village. May they succeed.

Miss Alma Peek, who has been attending College at Meridian, Miss., returned to her home at Ouachita Saturday.

For sale or exchange for other cattle — six good milk cows with young calves; also a few half-breed Durham bull calves and one two-year-old full blood Durham.  J. D. BAUGHMAN.

The editor of The Gazette acknowledges receipt of an invitation to attend the commencement celebration of the alumni of the Louisiana State University at Baton Rough on June 4 and 5, with compliments of President T. D. Boyd, of the University.

For Sale.  A lot of extra fine thorough-bred Berkshire pigs, one thorough-bred boar 15 months old, also one milk cow and calf. Call on or write to J. B. Covington, Farmerville, La.

The surveying party on the New Orleans & Northeastern railroad crossed the Ouachita river just above Lake landing, Ark., and it is thought the bridge will be located at that point.

We are pleased to note that Mr. Bennie C. Dawkins, of Union Parish was awarded the medal for best oratory at the Ruston school last week.

Miss Reita Hartman left Tuesday morning for New Orleans to attend a session of the grand lodge order Eastern Star as a delegate. She was accompanied by her father Mr. G. Hartman as far as Monroe.

Mr. L. P. Smith, of Unionville, had his name re-entered on our subscription list last week. He formerly took The Gazette but had it discontinued for a time. Meanwhile his land was advertised and sold for delinquent taxes. It cost Mr. Smith about $15 to redeem it — enough to pay for The Gazette fifteen years. He now says he expects to take the paper continuously.

The Best Prescription for Malaria.  Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure — no pay. Price 50¢.

Mr. W. F. Jackson has been engaged the past week in securing timber options in the territory adjacent to his proposed railroad. Yesterday he returned from the Marion country and reports everything in good shape for early work to begin on this road.

Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay, Price 25 cents.

Last Sunday Miss Leila Roberts was married to Mr. E. E. Parker at Bernice. The bride is a daughter of Judge W. R. Roberts.

Under the decision of the supreme court, intoxicating liquors can be sold legally in Junction City for balance of this year but if an election on the local option question is ordered by the police jury to decide the sale of intoxicants in Union Parish for 1902, and prohibition wins, which is very probable, then the open saloons must shut up shop again.

Last Saturday night a three year old Italian girl, named Alfonzini Ticheli, was run over by a bus at Monroe and almost instantly killed. The vehicle belonged to Messrs. Clark & Montgomery and was driven by a young white man named Nelson Yarborough. Teh coroner’s jury held that the child’s death was the result of criminal carelessness, and Yarborough was arrested under charge of manslaughter. He was released on $650 bond.

Examine our line of novels before buying elsewhere. We also carry a full line of school books.

Judge R. B. Dawkins will hold district court in Jackson Parish next week in place of the judge there who is sick.

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