District Court

The Gazette
September 5, 1900

Court adjourned in Farmerville Friday morning; and Judge Dawkins and District Attorney Preaus left Sunday for Ruston to hold court there. The greater part of the recent session in Union Parish was devoted to the consideration of criminal matters; with the result that six men were sentenced to the penitentiary and four on the public roads. Leroy Hicks, one of the convicts sentenced to the pen, has asked for an appeal. Pending its termination, he will remain in jail.

The following cases were tried since our last report:

L. B. Smith was convicted of carnal knowledge of a female under 16 years of age, but a new trial was granted him on the grounds that he should have been tried by a jury of twelve instead of five.

Wm. Fitzpatrick was acquitted of charge of attempt of bribe.

Bill Williams was sentenced to work 16 months on the public roads for petty larceny.

Leroy Hicks was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for manslaughter. An appeal to the supreme court has been asked for in this case.

Asa Cleveland was convicted of murder without capital punishment, and was sentenced to life imprisonment in the penitentiary.

Tom Rollins was sentenced to penitentiary for 18 months for stealing $65 from Mr. J. M. Odom.

Paxton and Vaden Phillips were each given two years in the penitentiary for stealing a skiff.

Bob Hoyle pleaded guilty to charge of carrying a pistol and was fined $20 and costs.

In suit of John Donley vs. Police Jury of Union Parish, judgment was given plaintiff for $35.

Judgment was rendered in favor of plaintiff for $209.00 in suit of B. B. Thomas vs. Riley Roberson.

Real Estate Transfers

John R. Pleasant to Geo. W. Moore, 115 acres of land. Consideration $648.

Pulaski Moore to W. L. Lamkin, 40 acres of land. Consideration $80.

Trustees of Downsville Methodist church to School Board of Union Parish, four-sevenths interest in lot. Consideration $15.

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